Attorney Jonathan James Publishes Second Book on DUI Defense

  • By:attyjjames

We are proud to announce that Attorney Jonathan James has published the second edition to his book on DUI Defense. The latest title covers the changes in the law that have taken place since Illinois has legalized recreational marijuana. These include, the field sobriety test license suspension that are applicable to only DUI cannabis cases, the levels of cannabis that are needed to legally presume that a driver is impaired, and what specialized sobriety tests are used for detecting persons who are impaired by cannabis or other drugs.

The book also touches on the new paradigm of self-driving cars and how that factors into DUI laws. For instance, is it illegal to be in a self-driving car while impaired by alcohol or drugs? Do you need a license to operate a self driving vehicle? If a car is in self driving mode and commits a traffic violation, are you responsible? These and other questions are answered in the book.

The book also dives into effective DUI defenses that can be employed, such as challenging the breathalyzers, when evidence can be suppressed, and how to interact with law enforcement when pulled over. This book will also answer questions such as, how serious is a DUI charge? What if I wasn’t driving? What if my BAC was below .08? What if the police didn’t read my rights, will my case be dismissed?

Currently, the book is for sale on Amazon and can be purchased by following this link

Posted in: Criminal Defense, DUI
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