The proliferation of self-driving technology has started to raise some very interesting legal questions.  For instance, can a person get a DUI in a self driving car?  What about traffic tickets?  If the car is in control, am I responsible for its actions?  Do I need a license to operate a self-driving vehicle?  Currently, state […]

Recently, there has been a spike in shoplifting cases that has caused the Illinois Legislature to enact harsher penalties when it comes to retail theft.  Several major retailers, such as Home Depot, Walmart, and Target have reported an epidemic of thefts from their stores which is starting to have a significant impact on their bottom […]

Our client was charged with a third offense for driving under the influence and driving while license suspended. The police made contact with our client under a community care taking function after they saw our client’s vehicle parked in a private parking lot. After making contact, our client was subjected to a DUI investigation and […]

We are proud to announce that Attorney Jonathan James has been named to the National Trial Lawyer’s Top 100 Attorneys for Criminal Defense for the third straight year. This is no surprise considering the amount of successful litigation that Attorney James has done over the past year. During the last twelve months, Attorney James has […]

As the world comes out of the lockdown of the pandemic, people are finding they must refamiliarize themselves with situations that used to be well practiced and now seem alien.  Our office is seeing an increase in citations for improper passing of a school bus while loading or unloading children and this may be because […]

Most drivers, at some point in their life, have driven through some form of a police checkpoint.  Checkpoints can be set up for a variety of reasons depending on the Law Enforcement goals, which typically include:  Detection of impaired drivers, seatbelt checks, license checks, etc.  The common setup for a checkpoint is to have one […]

This is a tricky question and the answer has changed with recent changes in the law concerning cannabis DUI cases.  Traditionally, a driver in Illinois had an absolute right under the 4th amendment to refuse all chemical testing and field sobriety testing.  That is still true to some extent.  However, the Illinois legislature has decided […]

As social media platforms continue to grow, their prevalence in the courtroom does as well. According to the Pew Research Center’s “Social Media Use in 2021” upwards of 70% of adults in the United States have at least one active social media profile. Because of this plethora of information freely disseminated online, law enforcement officers […]

During life people all make mistakes or errors in judgement.  Some of these errors can have lasting impact on our lives going further, especially those instances which result in a criminal record.  An individual may want to move beyond this past history and seek to clean up their criminal record.  There could be several reasons […]

Receiving a traffic ticket is certainly not going to be the highlight of anyone’s day.  Whether its for driving a little too fast, rolling through a stop sign, or changing lanes without using your signal, traffic tickets can hurt your wallet with fines and costs and possibly increasing your insurance rates.  Get too many traffic […]

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